
Our warehouses and fulfilment centres located in United Stated, United Kingdom and China. Depending on destination country and the warehouse we ship the goods from delivery can take anywhere from 5 to 29 days. Each product has individual shipping information, so please refer to the description of a particular product for precise timescales. If you buy several different products, they might be delivered from different warehouses and will arrive separately and at different time. 

We work with the following delivery courier services: USPS, Royal Mail, ePacket, YunExpress. All our parcels are insured and fully traceable.

Whilst we do upmost to ensure your order is processed and shipped as soon as possible, we may occasionally experience delays when we have large volume of orders due seasonal events or there are unforeseen logistic issues within internal operations of the couriers.

If you have not received your order withing the maximum of 29 days from the day of purchase please feel free to contact us for further help on

If you provided us with incorrect or incomplete shipping address and the product has been sent back to us, we will arrange re-delivery to your preferred address upon your instruction, once the shipping and handling fee of £8.99 is covered by you here: Shipping & Handling Fee

If the postman missed you at the address and you failed to arrange re-delivery or collect the item from your local collection point within the allowed period of 18 days and the product has been shipped back to us, then Shipping & Handling Fee is also payable for the re-delivery.

In the event when the order was not delivered or you received damaged goods please refer to our Return and Refund Policy