IPL hair removal: Everything you need to know

IPL hair removal: Everything you need to know

If you've had enough of battling unsightly body hair, an IPL machine may be the answer. IPL, which stands for “intense pulsed light,” is one of the most sophisticated and high-tech techniques to remove the hair for good.

The hair cycle is stunted, and regrowth is prevented by this method.

But there are a few things to consider before going ahead with this hair removal option. Here's what you need to know about IPL hair removal, including what it does and who it's best for.

What is IPL?

It’s a sophisticated technology that delivers a powerful pulse of light at a specific wavelength in a controlled manner. The colour pigmentation absorbs the light in the hair shaft, and heat is generated to disable the follicle from producing more hair.

IPL targets only dark pigment, so pale, blonde, or red hairs are not affected, but other skin tones can be treated successfully. You may need between five and seven sessions to see permanent results, depending on how dark your hair is and its coarseness—the finer it is, the less time it takes for results to show up.

How does IPL work?

IPL Hair Removal focuses on the hair root or follicle to encourage breakage in the cycle of hair growth. The melanin in the hair shaft is absorbed via the skin's surface and converted to light energy. This light energy is then transformed into heat energy beneath the skin's surface, preventing new hair from developing. As a result, the treated hairs fall out on their own - typically within four to seven weeks after the procedure. The best results are seen when over the period of 8-12 weeks of 1-2 weekly sessions.

Is IPL permanent?

IPL technology heats the surface of your skin and destroys it, resulting in hair reduction. However, the hairs will remain at bay if you maintain regular IPL maintenance therapies.

The degree of permanency depends upon your hair growth, skin type, and the machine used. Most people will notice a marked improvement between 2 and 3 months. After that, it's possible to have a touch-up treatment if necessary at the salon or have the equipment brought to you at home.

Is IPL hair removal safe?

It is safe to use IPL if the equipment is from a reputable, trusted manufacturer and follows instructions as suggested. Some people may experience side effects including discomfort, redness, or, very rarely, burns or blisters. If any irritation occurs, see your doctor immediately.

Does IPL hair removal hurt?

The sensation varies from person to person, but it can feel heated and tingly - sometimes described as being flicked with a hot elastic band. However, the process is fast, so the discomfort isn't prolonged.

Many machines have a variety of heat settings, making it more pleasant for a broader range of individuals. However, it's essential to remember that lower intensity is less efficient, so keeping it at this setting would require you to utilize the machine longer.

What skin types can try IPL?

It's worth noting that IPL isn't a treatment for every skin type and tone. As a result, some may not be suitable candidates. For example, people with susceptible skin or those who have had certain skin damage types are more at risk of adverse reactions to the treatment.

The IPL treatment is only effective on naturally dark blonde, brown, and black hair and skin tones ranging from very pale to medium-dark brown. There must be a sufficient contrast between the skin color and hair color for the device to detect the hair follicle. White, grey, or ginger hair will not respond to IPL therapy.

Furthermore, because certain skin tones are not conducive to IPL treatments, you should avoid them. For example, darker skin (five or higher on the Fitzpatrick scale) should stay away from IPL hair removal due to the greater amounts of melanin in the skin that will be detected by the light, possibly causing damage.

Those most likely to benefit from IPL have pale skin and dark, contrasting hair. However, there's no need to be concerned if you're unsure; most of today's top IPL machines feature built-in safety measures to help you out.

Traditional Laser hair removal vs. IPL hair removal

Don't mix up IPL and laser hair removal. Laser treatments use a different light source and focus on a smaller area than IPL. The laser treatment is more effective.

You can use IPL devices at home, but a professional should do laser hair removal. Laser treatment is long-lasting and targets a smaller area than IPL.

The reason people refer to these two therapies for the same purposes is because they both focus on the melanin in the hair follicle and may result in smooth skin over time. In addition, IPL is generally less expensive to have done in-salon, and it may also be safely performed at home.

How to use an at-home IPL device?

First, you must read the instruction manual thoroughly before operating the device.

1. Always shave the area of treatment before the treatment. Waxing or hair dissolving creams are not allowed.
2. Run 1-2 sessions per week for the period of 8-12 weeks uninterrupted. Any interruption gives hair follicles enough time to heal and recover meaning you need to start the process from the beginning.
3. It's important to gradually increase the intensity level, unless you use it at the highest setting from the start.


The best at-home IPL device: Diamond IPL Laser Hair Removal Machine

The Diamond IPL Laser Hair Removal Machine is the most advanced and effective way to remove hair quickly. It's perfect for anybody's part, including the face and bikini area, and features 500,000 flashes - more than any other IPL machine available. Plus, it's safe to use at home and has been certified and clinically tested.


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