Never! Shave! Again!

Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Permanently From Home

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.75 out of 5
90,000+ Satisfied Customers

Never! Shave! Again!

Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Permanently From Home

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.75 out of 5
90,000+ Satisfied Customers

Say goodbye to razors, waxing, and expensive salon visits! Diamond IPL Pro lets you achieve permanent hair removal from the comfort of your home.

Join 90,000+ happy customers who’ve discovered a pain-free, effective solution for silky-smooth skin. It’s time to ditch the hassle and enjoy freedom from unwated hair.

Get Hair-Free Now
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Get Hair-Free Now

Say goodbye to razors, waxing, and expensive salon visits! Diamond IPL Pro lets you achieve permanent hair removal from the comfort of your home.

Join 90,000+ happy customers who’ve discovered a pain-free, effective solution for silky-smooth skin. It’s time to ditch the hassle and enjoy freedom from unwated hair.

Get Hair-Free Now
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Works On All Body Parts & For All Reasons:


Works On All Body Parts & For All Reasons:

No more razor burn, shaving rashes & ingrown hair. Forget about painful nicks, pus-filled spots, or redness - just effortlessly soft, hair-free skin every day.

Painful waxing and epilating is a thing of a past. Diamond IPL provides permanent solution, meaning you no longer have to endure these barberic methods of hair removal.

Cost-Effective: A one-time investment in Diamond IPL Pro yields professional-grade results, eliminating the need for expensive, recurring salon treatments that can add up to thousands over time.

Enjoy Convenience Of At-Home Use: Treatments can be performed at home, fitting seamlessly into your schedule and eliminating the need for salon appointments.

Get Yours 40% Off Today

🚫 No more razor burn, shaving rashes & ingrown hair. Forget about painful nicks, pus-filled spots, or redness - just effortlessly soft, hair-free skin every day.

😱 Painful waxing and epilating is a thing of a past. Diamond IPL provides permanent solution, meaning you no longer have to endure these barberic methods of hair removal.

💸 Cost-Effective: A one-time investment in Diamond IPL Pro yields professional-grade results, eliminating the need for expensive, recurring salon treatments that can add up to thousands over time.

🏠 Enjoy Convenience Of At-Home Use: Treatments can be performed at home, fitting seamlessly into your schedule and eliminating the need for salon appointments.

Get Yours 40% Off Today

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Time To Be Silky-Smooth 👉

The Science Behind Diamond IPL Pro

The Science Behind Diamond IPL Pro


Week 1

During the first week of treatment, hair follicles begin absorbing the IPL's intense pulsed light, which targets melanin in the hair. This light energy is converted into heat, starting to weaken the hair roots. While there may be no visible reduction in hair yet, the process disrupts the hair growth cycle, setting the stage for gradual thinning.


Week 1

During the first week of treatment, hair follicles begin absorbing the IPL's intense pulsed light, which targets melanin in the hair. This light energy is converted into heat, starting to weaken the hair roots. While there may be no visible reduction in hair yet, the process disrupts the hair growth cycle, setting the stage for gradual thinning.


Week 3

By the third week, you’ll notice slower regrowth and patchy thinning in treated areas. The IPL has significantly weakened many hair follicles, causing some hairs to shed naturally. Skin remains smooth as dormant hair follicles enter a resting phase, reducing the density of regrowth.


Week 5

At this stage, most treated hair follicles are inactive, and the hair regrowth rate is significantly reduced. Hairs that do appear are finer, softer, and lighter. The skin feels smoother and rejuvenated, as IPL helps to stimulate collagen production, improving overall skin texture while targeting remaining active follicles.


Week 8

By week eight, little to no hair remains in the treated areas, and regrowth is virtually halted. IPL has effectively disabled the majority of hair follicles, leaving your skin silky smooth. The consistent disruption of the hair growth cycle has resulted in long-term reduction, and the skin appears healthier and more radiant due to the enhanced collagen turnover stimulated by IPL.


Week 3

By the third week, you’ll notice slower regrowth and patchy thinning in treated areas. The IPL has significantly weakened many hair follicles, causing some hairs to shed naturally. Skin remains smooth as dormant hair follicles enter a resting phase, reducing the density of regrowth.


Week 5

At this stage, most treated hair follicles are inactive, and the hair regrowth rate is significantly reduced. Hairs that do appear are finer, softer, and lighter. The skin feels smoother and rejuvenated, as IPL helps to stimulate collagen production, improving overall skin texture while targeting remaining active follicles.


Week 8

By week eight, little to no hair remains in the treated areas, and regrowth is virtually halted. IPL has effectively disabled the majority of hair follicles, leaving your skin silky smooth. The consistent disruption of the hair growth cycle has resulted in long-term reduction, and the skin appears healthier and more radiant due to the enhanced collagen turnover stimulated by IPL.

I Want To Be Hair-Free
I Want To Be Hair-Free
Dr Emily Carter Circled.png__PID:39127b99-5de7-4b30-9248-bd28b22b1642

Endorsed by Dr. Emily Carter
board-certified dermatologist.

Dr Emily Carter Circled.png__PID:39127b99-5de7-4b30-9248-bd28b22b1642

Endorsed by Dr. Emily Carter
board-certified dermatologist.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.75 out of 5
90,000+ Satisfied Customers

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.75 out of 5
90,000+ Satisfied Customers

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Diamond IPL Pro

Gentle, effective, and long-lasting - your ultimate hair removal solution. Get salon quality results at home with our Diamond-Precesion IPL technology.


Selling Out Fast

Permanent hair removal: reduce hair growth in just a few sessions.

Suitable for all body areas including face and Brazilian.

FDA Approved: completely pain free and safe to use.

Diamond IPL Pro


Christmas Sale

Christmas Sale

Christmas Sale


Permanent hair removal in a few sessions.


Suitable for all body areas.


FDA approved, safe and pain-free.

Einklappbarer Inhalt

Is it safe to use?

Yes, it's totally safe to use. The IPL technology has been around for years and there is a number of clinical studies that have been performed to validate the suitability of such treatment for home use.

Does it hurt?

One of the many advantages of our Handset over other types of laser is that it is pain-free. Most customers explain the feeling as a warm sensation on the skin.

Is it permanent?

Our IPL handset offers extremely long-lasting results and it's permanent for the hair that has been treated.

However, it's important to note our bodies are capable of producing brand-new hair cells over time, so some touching up may be required every 6-12 months. The same goes for laser treatment in clinics.

What if I have freckles or moles?

Most people do. As long as they are small and non-contrast to the rest of your skin it's fine to use the handset on these areas.

If you have a certain skin condition it's best to consult with your doctor prior to using a product.

You can also drop us a line with your question at

Other FAQs

Muss ich einen Augenschutz tragen?

Nein, Augenschutz ist bei der Verwendung unseres Handsets nicht erforderlich. Unsere Handsets wurden mit einem Sensor entwickelt und pulsieren kein Licht, es sei denn, das gesamte Fenster wird gegen Ihre Haut gedrückt. Davon abgesehen sollten Sie niemals versuchen, direkt in das Licht zu schauen, wenn es blinkt.

An welchen Stellen meines Körpers kann ich es anwenden?

Sie können Ihr Mobilteil für Ihren ganzen Körper verwenden, einschließlich Ihres Brasilianers und Ihres Gesichts (achten Sie nur darauf, dass Sie Ihren Augen nicht zu nahe kommen). Das Mobilteil sollte nicht direkt an Genitalien oder Brustwarzen verwendet werden.

Wie lange dauert es, bis ich Ergebnisse sehe?

Die meisten Benutzer sehen nach nur 3-5 Behandlungen mit unserem Handgerät eine Reduzierung der Haare, mit vollständigen Ergebnissen nach 8-12 wöchentlichen Behandlungen. Die Ergebnisse können jedoch von Person zu Person variieren.

Wie oft muss ich es verwenden?

Wir empfehlen, Ihr Mobilteil in den ersten 8 Wochen ein- bis zweimal pro Woche zu verwenden. Nach diesem Zeitraum empfehlen wir, Ihr Mobilteil zweimal im Monat für 2 Monate oder bis zur Zufriedenheit zu verwenden. Wenn Sie eine haarlose, glatte Haut erhalten möchten, empfehlen wir Ihnen, Ihr Mobilteil einmal alle 2 bis 6 Monate oder bei Bedarf zu verwenden.

Muss ich mich vor der Anwendung des Produkts rasieren?

Ja, wir empfehlen, die gewünschten Bereiche zu rasieren, bevor Sie Ihr Mobilteil verwenden.

Welche Haarentfernungsmethoden kann ich zwischen den Behandlungen anwenden?

Zwischen den Behandlungen sollten Sie sich nur bei Bedarf rasieren. Wir empfehlen, niemals zu wachsen, zu zupfen oder zu epilieren, da diese Haarentfernungsmethoden die gesamte Wurzel entfernen, die das Licht unseres Handsets während der Behandlung absorbiert.

Kann ich dieses Produkt vor oder nach dem Bräunen verwenden?

Wenn Sie kürzlich eine intensive Bräunungssitzung hatten, müssen wir Ihnen empfehlen, 2 Wochen zu warten, bevor Sie Ihr Mobilteil verwenden. Bitte warten Sie außerdem mindestens 48 Stunden, um sich zu bräunen, nachdem Sie Ihr Mobilteil verwendet haben. Künstliche Bräune sollte auch nicht auf Ihrer Haut sein, während Sie Ihr Handy benutzen.

Haben Sie dennoch Fragen?

Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne über die sozialen Medien oder per E-Mail unter und eines unserer Teammitglieder hilft Ihnen gerne weiter!


We couldn't be more thrilled that over 90,000 amazing individuals like yourself, from every corner of the globe, have put their trust in us and embraced our products. Your support means the world to us, and we're committed to delivering the best customer experience possible.